楼主 |
发表于 2014-10-27 19:49:20
[2014-10-27 19:42:22(218)] AnyChat Server SDK Init,V5.1, Build Time:Oct 13 2014 19:09:55
[2014-10-27 19:42:22(218)] Invoke BRAS_InitSDK(0x0)
[2014-10-27 19:42:22(218)] Ready to connect anychatcoreserver ....
[2014-10-27 19:42:22(765)] Success connected to anychatcoreserver...
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(875)] ---------------------Init Service--------------------------
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(890)] Current File Version[5, 1, 0, 0],Build time:2014-10-13 19:11:42
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(906)] Load brservernetlayer.dll success!(V5.1, Build time:Oct 13 2014 19:11:24)
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(906)] Start TCP Server Successed(port=8906)!
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(921)] Start UDP Server Successed(port=8907)!
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(921)] AnyChat IPC Filter Plus Init, Build Time:Oct 13 2014 19:11:26
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(921)] Load SDK Filter Plus:IPCFilterPlus.dll Success, ver:SDK Filter Plus (IPC), for Windows V5.1
[2014-10-27 19:41:30(937)] Start Server At Demo Mode!
[2014-10-27 19:42:23(281)] Successful communicate with the business server!
[2014-10-27 19:44:18(203)] Successful communicate with the record server!(, id:-1)
[2014-10-27 19:44:18(140)] AnyChat Record Server Init,V5.1, Build Time:Oct 13 2014 19:10:38
[2014-10-27 19:44:18(140)] Record Root Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\AnyChatCoreSDK_Win32_r4297\bin\recordserver\record\
[2014-10-27 19:44:18(140)] Ready to connect anychatcoreserver
[2014-10-27 19:44:18(203)] Load BRMediaUtil.dll success!(V5.2 Build Time:Oct 13 2014 19:10:51)
[2014-10-27 19:44:18(203)] Successfully connect to the anychatcoreserver! |