我测试你们的demo 可看到自己的,但是看不到对方的,请问是个什么情况?
日志显示 udp 无法使用????
[2016-07-08 11:44:21(280)] Video Config Size(1280, 720) Format(YUY2, 10fps)
[2016-07-08 11:44:21(289)] video init finish:1280x720, YUY2, fps:10
[2016-07-08 11:44:21(512)] Audio FX Status: VAD:1, NS:1, AGC:1, AEC:1
[2016-07-08 11:44:21(694)] video codec init:codec:1, 15fps, 1280x720, bitrate:256000, quality:3, preset:4, gop:20, handle:2
[2016-07-08 11:44:25(201)] Warning: The UDP communication with the server abnormal!
[2016-07-08 11:44:29(011)] Invoke StreamRecordCtrl(-1, 1, 0x13, 0)=0