---------------------------AnyChat Platform Core SDK Client Log---------------------------
2016-05-30 10:30:58.397 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Load libanychatcore.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:44:58)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.403 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Load libmediautil.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:45:13)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.404 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Load libmediashow.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:45:08)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.406 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Load libmediacore.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:45:05)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.437 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke Connect(,8906)=0
2016-05-30 10:30:58.439 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke Login(username:AnyChat)=0
2016-05-30 10:30:58.439 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] 登录
2016-05-30 10:30:58.517 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Create anychatdnsserver connect:
2016-05-30 10:30:58.554 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] On pre-connection result, errorcode:0, anychatcoreserver,, tcp:1)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.620 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] CheckClientSocketLink Connect(ip=,port=8906)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.655 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Server version: V5.3(Build Time:2015-08-10 12:21:30, Server OS:Windows)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.655 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Message OnConnect(bSuccess:1, errorcode=0)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.942 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Message OnLoginSystem(userid=-1149,errorcode=0,username=AnyChat), msg deliver worked(0)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.945 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Load libmediautil.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:45:13)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.948 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Load libmediashow.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:45:08)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.951 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Load libmediacore.so success!(V6.0 Build Time:May 22 2016 13:45:05)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.954 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Server running time: 41 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes, license mode:0
2016-05-30 10:30:58.966 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke SetSDKOption(BRAC_SO_NETWORK_P2PPOLITIC=1)
2016-05-30 10:30:58.967 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Apply video parameter:352x288, bitrate:180kbps, quality:3, gop:30, fps:12, preset:2, codec:1
2016-05-30 10:30:58.978 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke EnterRoom(roomid=1)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.297 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Message OnEnterRoom(roomid=1,errorcode=0,siteindex=0)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.607 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Init iOS audio finish, capture size:640
2016-05-30 10:30:59.609 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Audio Playback Device Init(0, 1, 16000, 16), ios Playback Driver
2016-05-30 10:30:59.614 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Message OnReceiveOnlineUser(count=1,roomid=1)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.623 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke SelectVideoCapture(2-Front Facing Camera)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.624 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke UserSpeakControl(userid=-1,bOpen=1)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.626 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke SetVideoPos(dwUserId:-1, hWnd:0x5d15ce00, l:0, t:0, r:0, b:0, dwStreamIndex:0)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.629 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] Default Audio Capture Driver()
2016-05-30 10:30:59.632 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke UserCameraControl(userid=-1, bOpen=1, stream=0)
2016-05-30 10:30:59.635 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] Audio Init, error:0, device:0, 1, 16000, 16, capmode:0
2016-05-30 10:30:59.638 KQHTApp[2966:2813868] Audio FX Status: VAD:1, NS:1, AGC:0, AEC:0
2016-05-30 10:30:59.640 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] Audio codec init, handle:1, 11, 1, 16000, 16, 15850
2016-05-30 10:30:59.741 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] WARNING: -[<AVCaptureConnection: 0x5e37dce0> isVideoMinFrameDurationSupported] is deprecated. Please use AVCaptureDevice activeFormat.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges
2016-05-30 10:30:59.742 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] WARNING: -[<AVCaptureConnection: 0x5e37dce0> setVideoMinFrameDuration:] is deprecated. Please use AVCaptureDevice setActiveVideoMinFrameDuration
2016-05-30 10:30:59.907 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] video init finish: 480x360, 25fps, fmt:106, ret:0
[libx264 @ 0x15d1ae610] using cpu capabilities: none!
[libx264 @ 0x15d1ae610] profile High, level 2.1
2016-05-30 10:30:59.921 KQHTApp[2966:2813749] video init finish:480x360, NV12, fps:25, codecid:1
2016-05-30 10:31:01.008 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] Connection to streaming media server successfully!(udp delay:8ms)
2016-05-30 10:31:01.688 KQHTApp[2966:2813624] Invoke StreamRecordCtrlEx(-1, 1, 0x803, 0, )=0
2016-05-30 10:31:01.701 KQHTApp[2966:2813868] user(-1149) record audio stream parameter: codec:11, 1 channel, 16000Hz
[libx264 @ 0x15da79e10] using cpu capabilities: none!
[libx264 @ 0x15da79e10] profile High, level 2.1
2016-05-30 10:31:01.735 KQHTApp[2966:2813708] video codec init:codec:1, 12fps, 480x360, bitrate:180kbps, quality:3, preset:2, gop:30, handle:3
2016-05-30 10:31:01.738 KQHTApp[2966:2813708] User(-1149) record video stream parameter: codec:1, 360x480, 12fps
[NULL @ 0x15d1cba10] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
2016-05-30 10:31:01.753 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] User(-1149) record init failed! bAudioPrepare:1, bVideoPrepare:1, dwFlags:0x803, dwFileType:0
2016-05-30 10:31:01.754 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] record audio parameter: codecid:11, 2 channel, 16.0kHz, 0kbps
2016-05-30 10:31:01.756 KQHTApp[2966:2813743] record video parameter: codecid:1, 360x480, 0kbps
[NULL @ 0x15d1b6210] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d1b6210] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d1b6210] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d1b6210] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d1b6210] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d1b6210] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d1cae10] Unable to find a suitable output format for '(null)'
[NULL @ 0x15d834e10] Unable to find a suitable output format for '( |