
标题: 关闭语音 [打印本页]

作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 10:21
标题: 关闭语音
进入房间房间,打开自己的语音和请求对方语音,当activity结束的时候,已经调用anychat.Release(); 请问还需要 关闭自己语音吗?anychat.UserSpeakControl(-1, 0);

作者: 佰锐技术-高萌    时间: 2014-9-12 10:27
建议您先调用anychat.UserSpeakControl(-1, 0);再调用释放资源anychat.Release();
作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 10:30
佰锐技术-高萌 发表于 2014-9-12 10:27
建议您先调用anychat.UserSpeakControl(-1, 0);再调用释放资源anychat.Release(); ...

作者: 佰锐技术-高萌    时间: 2014-9-12 10:32
作者: 廖斌    时间: 2014-9-12 10:33
YYK 发表于 2014-9-12 10:30

作者: 佰锐技术-卓剑锐    时间: 2014-9-12 10:34
作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 10:49
佰锐技术-卓剑锐 发表于 2014-9-12 10:34

android版本:Android 4.1.1JRO03L   MIUI版本:MIUI-JLB39.0
作者: 佰锐技术-卓剑锐    时间: 2014-9-12 10:52
YYK 发表于 2014-9-12 10:49
android版本:Android 4.1.1JRO03L   MIUI版本:MIUI-JLB39.0

作者: admin    时间: 2014-9-12 10:52
作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 11:11
佰锐技术-卓剑锐 发表于 2014-9-12 10:52
将闪退时候的AnyChat日志发上来看下,日志在Sdcard根目录下面的BRAnyChat ...

您好,不是用你们标准的demo,我们公司借用anychat平台的语音、视频技术  自己开发的。
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(029)]        ---------------------------AnyChat Platform Core SDK Client Log---------------------------
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(030)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:20:41)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(031)]        Android OS SDK Version:16, Support ARMv7:2, Support Neon:4
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(047)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:56)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(054)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:15)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(062)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:37)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(064)]        CPU:13.53 MIPS, Hardware:MI 2
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(065)]        Invoke        BRAC_Connect(,8906)=0
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(189)]        CheckClientSocketLink         Connect(ip=,port=8906)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(220)]        Server version: V5.1(Build Time:2014-09-03 20:45:57, Server OS:Windows)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(261)]        Message        OnConnect(bSuccess:1, errorcode=0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(276)]        Invoke        LoginServer(username=82)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(486)]        Message        OnLoginSystem(userid=-2870,errorcode=0,username=82), msg deliver worked(0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(494)]        Invoke        EnterRoom(D45E5D0C38C34A04A3CC01CFCF22D36E)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(497)]        Connection to streaming media server successfully!(udp delay:5ms)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(558)]        Message        OnEnterRoom(roomid=412,errorcode=0,siteindex=0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(562)]        AllocAudioStream(dwFrameCount:3200, ret:0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(563)]        Audio Playback Device Init(0, 1, 16000, 16), Default Playback Driver
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(563)]        Message        OnReceiveOnlineUser(count=1,roomid=412)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(565)]        Invoke        UserSpeakControl(userid=-1,bOpen=1)
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(250)]        Default Audio Capture Driver()
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(252)]        Audio Init, error:0, device:0, 1, 16000, 16, capmode:0
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(253)]        Audio codec init, handle:1, 11, 1, 16000, 16, 15850
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(261)]        Audio FX Status: VAD:1, NS:1, AGC:1, AEC:1

作者: 廖斌    时间: 2014-9-12 11:22
YYK 发表于 2014-9-12 11:11
您好,不是用你们标准的demo,我们公司借用anychat平台的语音、视频技术  自己开发的。
小米2S进入房间 ...

作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 11:26

logcat:  Tag--->DEBUG:

09-12 11:19:57.359: I/DEBUG(112): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-12 11:19:57.359: I/DEBUG(112): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/delos3gzm/delos3gcmcc:4.2.2/JDQ39/I8558ZMUANG1:user/release-keys'
09-12 11:19:57.359: I/DEBUG(112): Revision: '0'
09-12 11:19:57.359: I/DEBUG(112): pid: 19689, tid: 19864, name: om.yyk.knowchat  >>> com.yyk.knowchat <<<
09-12 11:19:57.359: I/DEBUG(112): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 000019b0
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     r0 00000000  r1 5640d2fc  r2 79c733c6  r3 000019b0
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     r4 5640d2fc  r5 00000000  r6 563d2b51  r7 55955590
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     r8 563d2b51  r9 00100000  sl 55955590  fp 00000073
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     ip 00004000  sp 571c5eb8  lr 400efa81  pc 563d2b7a  cpsr 20000030
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d0  00000096014edd00  d1  3ff0000043168000
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d2  3fe45f306dc9c883  d3  40aad9f272afcca0
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d4  00017c8900027c89  d5  0000298300012983
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d6  0001530600015306  d7  014edd003f800000
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d8  000000003f800000  d9  000000003f800000
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
09-12 11:19:57.500: I/DEBUG(112):     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d16 4174edd008000000  d17 3fe0000000000000
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d18 bf6bba0eb298ea82  d19 3fe0000000000000
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d20 bf29ceb8fb6b64c0  d21 3fe5aad79e94a2cf
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d22 3f80d7f3dd4184fa  d23 3fb11452da86cc52
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d24 d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6  d25 2929292929292929
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d26 d6d6d6d629292929  d27 0707070703030303
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d28 0030003000300030  d29 0030003000300030
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     d30 0000000000000000  d31 00000000ffffffff
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     scr 60000090
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): backtrace:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     #00  pc 00040b7a  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (VerifyBindDomainThread(void*)+41)
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     #01  pc 0000e418  /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+72)
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     #02  pc 0000db04  /system/lib/ (pthread_create+160)
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): stack:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e78  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e7c  98fe4cfb  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e80  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e84  571c5ed4  [stack:19864]
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e88  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e8c  563d2b51  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (VerifyBindDomainThread(void*))
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e90  55955590  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e94  563d2b51  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (VerifyBindDomainThread(void*))
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e98  00100000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5e9c  55955590  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ea0  00000073  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ea4  563d584b  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (AC_IOUtils::DnsResolution(char const*, unsigned int&, unsigned int)+14)
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ea8  5640d2fc  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5eac  5629e688  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5eb0  df0027ad  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5eb4  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     #00  571c5eb8  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ebc  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ec0  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ec4  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ec8  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ecc  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ed0  55955590  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ed4  79c733c6  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ed8  40114978  /system/lib/
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5edc  571c5f00  [stack:19864]
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ee0  55a3b090  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ee4  400e041c  /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+76)
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     #01  571c5ee8  55955590  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5eec  571c5f00  [stack:19864]
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ef0  40114978  /system/lib/
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ef4  55a3b090  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5ef8  00000078  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5efc  400dfb08  /system/lib/ (pthread_create+164)
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     #02  571c5f00  571c5f00  [stack:19864]
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f04  55a3b090  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f08  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f0c  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f10  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f14  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f18  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f1c  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f20  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f24  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f28  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f2c  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f30  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f34  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f38  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):          571c5f3c  00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r1:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d2dc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d2ec 00000000 00000000 00000001 00066b09  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d2fc 6f6d6564 796e612e 74616863 006e632e  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d30c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d31c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d32c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d33c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d34c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d35c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d36c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d37c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d38c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d39c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d3ac 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d3bc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d3cc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r2:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c733a4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c733b4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c733c4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c733d4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c733e4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c733f4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73404 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73414 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73424 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73434 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73444 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73454 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73464 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73474 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73484 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     79c73494 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r3:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001990 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     000019a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     000019b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     000019c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     000019d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     000019e0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     000019f0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a00 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a10 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a20 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a30 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a40 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a50 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a60 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a70 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     00001a80 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r4:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d2dc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d2ec 00000000 00000000 00000001 00066b09  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d2fc 6f6d6564 796e612e 74616863 006e632e  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d30c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d31c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d32c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d33c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d34c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d35c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d36c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d37c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d38c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d39c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d3ac 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d3bc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     5640d3cc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r6:
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b30 7b23431a 432b021b 7ba47b65 432b042d  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b40 43230624 fb2af7f0 46c0bd38 00035128  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b50 4c1bb530 2201b089 6824447c a9072500  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b60 42521c20 f0029507 42a8fe69 4b15d025  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b70 447b9a07 6818681b 58c34b13 d01c429a  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b80 d01a42ab 21202301 93032267 95001c2b  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b90 95029501 f0039504 480cff71 f0024478  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2ba0 1c05fb33 f0039807 1c03f87d 1c294808  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bb0 44781c22 f0046800 b009faf3 bd302000  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bc0 00035184 000350c6 000019b0 0002f6d0  
09-12 11:19:57.507: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bd0 00035076 4b03b508 681b447b f7ed6818  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2be0 bd08fda3 00035060 4b04b508 681b447b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bf0 66016818 fbf6f7ed 46c0bd08 0003504c  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c00 f00fb508 bd08fd83 4b03b508 681b447b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c10 f7ee6818 bd08fa81 0003502c 1c13b510  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c20 1c0c4a09 447a7859 02096812 781a6810  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r7:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955570 00000000 00000000 00000000 dead10cc  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955580 00000000 00000000 00000000 000007d0  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955590 564071b0 00000000 0000007a 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955600 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955610 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955620 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955630 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955640 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955650 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955660 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r8:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b30 7b23431a 432b021b 7ba47b65 432b042d  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b40 43230624 fb2af7f0 46c0bd38 00035128  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b50 4c1bb530 2201b089 6824447c a9072500  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b60 42521c20 f0029507 42a8fe69 4b15d025  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b70 447b9a07 6818681b 58c34b13 d01c429a  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b80 d01a42ab 21202301 93032267 95001c2b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b90 95029501 f0039504 480cff71 f0024478  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2ba0 1c05fb33 f0039807 1c03f87d 1c294808  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bb0 44781c22 f0046800 b009faf3 bd302000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bc0 00035184 000350c6 000019b0 0002f6d0  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bd0 00035076 4b03b508 681b447b f7ed6818  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2be0 bd08fda3 00035060 4b04b508 681b447b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bf0 66016818 fbf6f7ed 46c0bd08 0003504c  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c00 f00fb508 bd08fd83 4b03b508 681b447b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c10 f7ee6818 bd08fa81 0003502c 1c13b510  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c20 1c0c4a09 447a7859 02096812 781a6810  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): memory near r9:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     000fffe0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     000ffff0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100010 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100020 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100030 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100040 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100050 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00100090 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     001000a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     001000b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     001000c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     001000d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): memory near sl:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955570 00000000 00000000 00000000 dead10cc  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955580 00000000 00000000 00000000 000007d0  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955590 564071b0 00000000 0000007a 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     559555f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955600 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955610 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955620 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955630 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955640 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955650 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     55955660 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): memory near ip:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00003fe0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00003ff0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004010 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004020 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004030 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004040 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004050 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     00004090 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     000040a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     000040b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     000040c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     000040d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): memory near sp:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5e98 00100000 55955590 00000073 563d584b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5ea8 5640d2fc 5629e688 df0027ad 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5eb8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5ec8 00000000 00000000 55955590 79c733c6  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5ed8 40114978 571c5f00 55a3b090 400e041c  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5ee8 55955590 571c5f00 40114978 55a3b090  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5ef8 00000078 400dfb08 571c5f00 55a3b090  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f08 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f18 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f78 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     571c5f88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): code around pc:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b58 6824447c a9072500 42521c20 f0029507  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b68 42a8fe69 4b15d025 447b9a07 6818681b  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b78 58c34b13 d01c429a d01a42ab 21202301  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b88 93032267 95001c2b 95029501 f0039504  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2b98 480cff71 f0024478 1c05fb33 f0039807  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2ba8 1c03f87d 1c294808 44781c22 f0046800  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bb8 b009faf3 bd302000 00035184 000350c6  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bc8 000019b0 0002f6d0 00035076 4b03b508  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bd8 681b447b f7ed6818 bd08fda3 00035060  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2be8 4b04b508 681b447b 66016818 fbf6f7ed  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2bf8 46c0bd08 0003504c f00fb508 bd08fd83  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c08 4b03b508 681b447b f7ee6818 bd08fa81  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c18 0003502c 1c13b510 1c0c4a09 447a7859  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c28 02096812 781a6810 789a4311 43110412  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c38 061278da 1c224311 fd88f7f1 46c0bd10  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     563d2c48 00035012 1c0cb538 7a897a4b 02094d18  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112): code around lr:
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     400efa60 6c606010 f7efb118 2300fa6f 68316463  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     400efa70 60a02000 81a06060 4620b111 faf4f000  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     400efa80 bd704628 0002a52e 4605b573 a9014608  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     400efa90 fab0f000 2c004604 2103d036 46282200  
09-12 11:19:57.515: I/DEBUG(112):     400efaa0 fe44f7fd 46062800 f000db2d 2b020303  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efab0 9801d009 0203f000 d0044293 fa34f7f1  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efac0 60032316 f000e01f b1e8fa07 b2a49901  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efad0 054a8184 0573d504 f444bf5c 81847480  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efae0 490b4a0a 6812447a 62424b0a 68094479  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efaf0 447b4a09 81c5681b 6812447a 62c161c0  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efb00 62026283 2000e000 bf00bd7c 0002a488  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efb10 0002a484 0002a482 0002a480 4604b570  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efb20 447e4e08 68336836 f000b10b 89a5fa90  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efb30 f3c56830 b1101540 f0004620 4628fa95  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efb40 bf00bd70 0002a41a f3c08980 47701080  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400efb50 300cf9b0 4604b570 0008f013 6925d021  
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112): memory map around fault addr 000019b0:
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     (no map below)
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     (no map for address)
09-12 11:19:57.523: I/DEBUG(112):     400a4000-400a6000 /system/bin/app_process
09-12 11:19:57.664: I/DEBUG(112): !@dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_native -m 19689

作者: admin    时间: 2014-9-12 11:36
作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 11:47
admin 发表于 2014-9-12 11:36

[2014-09-12 11:08:12(029)]        ---------------------------AnyChat Platform Core SDK Client Log---------------------------
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(030)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:20:41)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(031)]        Android OS SDK Version:16, Support ARMv7:2, Support Neon:4
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(047)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:56)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(054)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:15)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(062)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:37)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(064)]        CPU:13.53 MIPS, Hardware:MI 2
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(065)]        Invoke        BRAC_Connect(,8906)=0
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(189)]        CheckClientSocketLink         Connect(ip=,port=8906)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(220)]        Server version: V5.1(Build Time:2014-09-03 20:45:57, Server OS:Windows)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(261)]        Message        OnConnect(bSuccess:1, errorcode=0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(276)]        Invoke        LoginServer(username=82)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(486)]        Message        OnLoginSystem(userid=-2870,errorcode=0,username=82), msg deliver worked(0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(494)]        Invoke        EnterRoom(D45E5D0C38C34A04A3CC01CFCF22D36E)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(497)]        Connection to streaming media server successfully!(udp delay:5ms)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(558)]        Message        OnEnterRoom(roomid=412,errorcode=0,siteindex=0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(562)]        AllocAudioStream(dwFrameCount:3200, ret:0)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(563)]        Audio Playback Device Init(0, 1, 16000, 16), Default Playback Driver
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(563)]        Message        OnReceiveOnlineUser(count=1,roomid=412)
[2014-09-12 11:08:12(565)]        Invoke        UserSpeakControl(userid=-1,bOpen=1)
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(250)]        Default Audio Capture Driver()
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(252)]        Audio Init, error:0, device:0, 1, 16000, 16, capmode:0
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(253)]        Audio codec init, handle:1, 11, 1, 16000, 16, 15850
[2014-09-12 11:08:13(261)]        Audio FX Status: VAD:1, NS:1, AGC:1, AEC:1
作者: admin    时间: 2014-9-12 11:55
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/delos3gzm/delos3gcmcc:4.2.2/JDQ39/I8558ZMUANG1:user/release-keys'

前面提供的logcat Debug堆栈信息怎么是samsung的,那这个小米2S是否有Debug的堆栈信息?
作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 13:44
admin 发表于 2014-9-12 11:55
前面提供的logcat Debug堆栈信息怎么是samsung的,那这个小米2S是否有Debug的堆栈信息?

三星进入房间不存在闪退问题。上面DEBUG信息是三星的手机 连续的接听的与挂断,有时候会异常,出现
Fatal signal~,能否分析一下?
另外:小米2s进入房间 闪退log文件内容已回复了
作者: admin    时间: 2014-9-12 13:59
小米2s进入房间 闪退log文件内容已回复了


作者: YYK    时间: 2014-9-12 16:31
admin 发表于 2014-9-12 13:59

为何总会出现 Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x000019b0 (code=1), thread 5385

09-12 16:21:23.787: I/DEBUG(5404): handle_request(16)
09-12 16:21:23.787: I/DEBUG(5404): check process 5185 name:om.yyk.knowchat
09-12 16:21:23.787: I/DEBUG(5404): BOOM: pid=5185 uid=10017 gid=10017 tid=5385
09-12 16:21:23.789: I/DEBUG(5404): [OnPurpose Redunant in preset_info] pid: 5185, tid: 5385, name: om.yyk.knowchat  >>> com.yyk.knowchat <<<
09-12 16:21:23.892: I/DEBUG(5404): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-12 16:21:23.892: I/DEBUG(5404): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/2014011/HM2014011:4.2.2/HM2014011/JHFCNBF18.0:user/release-keys'
09-12 16:21:23.893: I/DEBUG(5404): pid: 5185, tid: 5385, name: om.yyk.knowchat  >>> com.yyk.knowchat <<<
09-12 16:21:23.893: I/DEBUG(5404): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 000019b0
09-12 16:21:24.015: I/DEBUG(5404):     r0 00000000  r1 5fddc2fc  r2 79c733c6  r3 000019b0
09-12 16:21:24.015: I/DEBUG(5404):     r4 5fddc2fc  r5 00000000  r6 5fda1b51  r7 607e5e18
09-12 16:21:24.015: I/DEBUG(5404):     r8 5fda1b51  r9 00100000  sl 607e5e18  fp 00000073
09-12 16:21:24.015: I/DEBUG(5404):     ip cda31e2d  sp 616edeb8  lr 400fe73c  pc 5fda1b7a  cpsr 20000030
09-12 16:21:24.015: I/DEBUG(5404): backtrace:
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):     #00  pc 00040b7a  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (VerifyBindDomainThread(void*)+41)
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):     #01  pc 0000e4a4  /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+72)
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404): stack:
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede78  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede7c  cda31e2d  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede80  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede84  616eded4  [stack:5385]
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede88  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede8c  5fda1b51  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (VerifyBindDomainThread(void*))
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede90  607e5e18  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede94  5fda1b51  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (VerifyBindDomainThread(void*))
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede98  00100000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ede9c  607e5e18  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edea0  00000073  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edea4  5fda484b  /data/app-lib/com.yyk.knowchat-1/ (AC_IOUtils::DnsResolution(char const*, unsigned int&, unsigned int)+14)
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edea8  5fddc2fc  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edeac  603fae88  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edeb0  df0027ad  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edeb4  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):     #00  616edeb8  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edebc  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edec0  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edec4  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edec8  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edecc  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616eded0  607e5e18  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616eded4  79c733c6  
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616eded8  40109d50  /system/lib/
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616ededc  616edf00  [stack:5385]
09-12 16:21:24.016: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edee0  608632c0  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edee4  400ba4a8  /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+76)
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     #01  616edee8  607e5e18  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edeec  616edf00  [stack:5385]
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edef0  40109d50  /system/lib/
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edef4  608632c0  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edef8  00000078  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edefc  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf00  616edf00  [stack:5385]
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf04  608632c0  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf08  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf0c  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf10  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf14  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf18  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf1c  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf20  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):          616edf24  00000000  
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r1:
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc2dc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc2ec 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000038  ............8...
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc2fc 6f6d6564 796e612e 74616863 006e632e
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc30c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc31c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r2:
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     79c733a4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     79c733b4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     79c733c4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     79c733d4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     79c733e4 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r3:
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     00001990 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.017: I/DEBUG(5404):     000019a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     000019b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     000019c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     000019d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r4:
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc2dc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc2ec 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000038  ............8...
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc2fc 6f6d6564 796e612e 74616863 006e632e
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc30c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fddc31c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r6:
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b30 7b23431a 432b021b 7ba47b65 432b042d  .C#{..+Ce{.{-.+C
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b40 43230624 fb2af7f0 46c0bd38 00035128  $.#C..*.8..F(Q..
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b50 4c1bb530 2201b089 6824447c a9072500  0..L..."|D$h.%..
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b60 42521c20 f0029507 42a8fe69 4b15d025   .RB....i..B%..K
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b70 447b9a07 6818681b 58c34b13 d01c429a  ..{D.h.h.K.X.B..
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r7:
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5df8 00000000 00000000 00000000 dead10cc  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e08 00000000 00000000 00000000 000007d0  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e18 5fdd61b0 00000000 0000007a 00000000  .a._....z.......
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r8:
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b30 7b23431a 432b021b 7ba47b65 432b042d  .C#{..+Ce{.{-.+C
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b40 43230624 fb2af7f0 46c0bd38 00035128  $.#C..*.8..F(Q..
09-12 16:21:24.018: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b50 4c1bb530 2201b089 6824447c a9072500  0..L..."|D$h.%..
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b60 42521c20 f0029507 42a8fe69 4b15d025   .RB....i..B%..K
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b70 447b9a07 6818681b 58c34b13 d01c429a  ..{D.h.h.K.X.B..
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near r9:
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     000fffe0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     000ffff0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     00100000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     00100010 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     00100020 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near sl:
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5df8 00000000 00000000 00000000 dead10cc  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e08 00000000 00000000 00000000 000007d0  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e18 5fdd61b0 00000000 0000007a 00000000  .a._....z.......
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     607e5e38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404): memory near sp:
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     616ede98 00100000 607e5e18 00000073 5fda484b  .....^~`s...KH._
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     616edea8 5fddc2fc 603fae88 df0027ad 00000000  ..._..?`.'......
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     616edeb8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     616edec8 00000000 00000000 607e5e18 79c733c6  .........^~`.3.y
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     616eded8 40109d50 616edf00 608632c0 400ba4a8`...@
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404): code around pc:
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b58 6824447c a9072500 42521c20 f0029507  |D$h.%.. .RB....
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b68 42a8fe69 4b15d025 447b9a07 6818681b  i..B%..K..{D.h.h
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b78 58c34b13 d01c429a d01a42ab 21202301  .K.X.B...B...# !
09-12 16:21:24.019: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b88 93032267 95001c2b 95029501 f0039504  g"..+...........
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     5fda1b98 480cff71 f0024478 1c05fb33 f0039807  q..HxD..3.......
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404): code around lr:
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     400fe71c e59f2194 e1a03006 e59fe190 e3a00003  .!...0..........
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     400fe72c e3a04000 e08f1002 e08f200e ebffbbe4  .@....... ......
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     400fe73c eafffced e59f3178 e3a00003 e59f2174  ....x1......t!..
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     400fe74c e08f1003 e08f2002 ebffbbdd eafffe54  ..... ......T...
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     400fe75c e59fc164 e08f300c eaffff6c e59f415c  d....0..l...\A..
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404): memory map around fault addr 000019b0:
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     (no map below)
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     (no map for address)
09-12 16:21:24.020: I/DEBUG(5404):     40084000-40086000 /system/bin/app_process

对应SD卡 log文件:
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(283)]        ---------------------------AnyChat Platform Core SDK Client Log---------------------------
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(284)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:20:41)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(284)]        Android OS SDK Version:17, Support ARMv7:2, Support Neon:4
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(306)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:56)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(317)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:15)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(328)]        Load success!(V5.1 Build Time:Sep  9 2014 02:21:43)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(330)]        CPU:2590.72 MIPS, Hardware:MT6582
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(332)]        Invoke        BRAC_Connect(,8906)=0
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(416)]        CheckClientSocketLink         Connect(ip=,port=8906)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(448)]        Server version: V5.1(Build Time:2014-09-03 20:45:57, Server OS:Windows)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(489)]        Message        OnConnect(bSuccess:1, errorcode=0)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(506)]        Invoke        LoginServer(username=81)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(724)]        Message        OnLoginSystem(userid=-3124,errorcode=0,username=81), msg deliver worked(0)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(739)]        Connection to streaming media server successfully!(udp delay:6ms)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(740)]        Invoke        EnterRoom(5F3D2E4A01A743659B44CC59E2D40691)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(865)]        Message        OnEnterRoom(roomid=472,errorcode=0,siteindex=0)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(874)]        AllocAudioStream(dwFrameCount:3200, ret:0)
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(887)]        Audio Playback Device Init(0, 1, 16000, 16), Default Playback Driver
[2014-09-12 16:21:13(888)]        Message        OnReceiveOnlineUser(count=1,roomid=472)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(137)]        Message        OnUserEnterRoom(userid=-3125,nickname=82,siteindex=1)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(323)]        On Remote UserSpeakControl(dwUserId:-3125, bOpen:1)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(814)]        Message        OnP2PConnectState(userid=-3125, state=2)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(827)]        Message        OnP2PConnectState(userid=-3125, state=3)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(904)]        Invoke        UserSpeakControl(userid=-1,bOpen=1)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(945)]        Invoke        UserSpeakControl(userid=-3125,bOpen=1)
[2014-09-12 16:21:19(949)]        Invoke        UserSpeakControl(userid=-3125,bOpen=1)
[2014-09-12 16:21:20(030)]        Default Audio Capture Driver()
[2014-09-12 16:21:20(036)]        Audio Init, error:0, device:0, 1, 16000, 16, capmode:0
[2014-09-12 16:21:20(037)]        Audio codec init, handle:1, 11, 1, 16000, 16, 15850
[2014-09-12 16:21:20(278)]        Audio FX Status: VAD:1, NS:1, AGC:1, AEC:1
[2014-09-12 16:21:21(857)]        socket error, disconnected by peer!, bTcp(1) - userid(-3125)
[2014-09-12 16:21:21(860)]        Message        OnP2PConnectState(userid=-3125, state=2)
[2014-09-12 16:21:21(882)]        Message        OnUserLeaveRoom(userid=-3125,siteindex=1)
[2014-09-12 16:21:22(054)]        Invoke        UserSpeakControl(userid=-1,bOpen=0)
[2014-09-12 16:21:22(122)]        Invoke        UserCameraControl(userid=-3125,bOpen=0)
[2014-09-12 16:21:22(169)]        Invoke        LeaveRoom(roomid=-1)        Elapse:46 ms
[2014-09-12 16:21:22(183)]        Invoke        LogoutServer(userid=-3124)        Elapse:13 ms
[2014-09-12 16:21:22(192)]        Invoke        BRAC_Release        Elapse:8 ms

作者: admin    时间: 2014-9-12 16:41

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